Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Races Back onto the Scene for its 10th Anniversary

Ten years ago, Criterion Games, fresh from its success of Burnout Paradise, decided to give the Need For Speed franchise a go with Hot Pursuit. An innovative game filled with racing thrills and the neat new Autolog social interaction system, it became a big hit with fans.
Well, fast forward to next month, when the game will return with Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered. It’s a souped-up version of the original, with a few features in tow that are sure to grab the attention of racing fans this holiday season. Let’s see what’s under the hood…

The Total Package, Including All the DLC, For $40
Worried that Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered won’t give you anything to do? Silly mortals. The main game features hours of racing action, either alone or with friends. And what’s more, it also comes with an abundance of content through the DLC that was originally introduced for the game ten years ago. With this content, you’ll see an extra six hours of gameplay to take on, along with 30 challenges and a slew of new cars to add to your garage, along with weapons and other sweet upgrades.
Not to mention the sheer thrill of surviving the racing itself, which involves all kinds of, as Smokey once put it, “hot puh-suit”. You can either race through Seacrest Valley as one of the law-breaking hotheads, or get on the other side of the badge and hunt down criminals. The goal is to win, or come out on top of the race – and it’s not quite as easy as you might think. Still, if you’ve got a penchant for putting the pedal to the metal, you’ve come to the right place.

Autolog Is Opening Up With Crossplay
The game will debut on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, but will also debut on the Nintendo Switch, giving those players a chance to experience everything it has to offer. And among those features is the expansion of the Autolog to include bigger and better multiplayer support. This time around, you’ll be able to race your friends no matter what platform you have, as it’ll be supported by Crossplay. Yes, this includes the Switch, as those players won’t be left out this time.
In addition to that and the included DLC, Hot Pursuit Remastered also has other features included. An updated photo mode let you capture the dramatic racing action however you see fit; and there are a number of wraps and car colors to unlock. There are also reduced hard stops, making it easy to avoid a perilous situation, should you absolutely feel the need. And, yes, on your platform of choice, you can unlock Achievements and Trophies.

A Better Looking Racing Game, and It’s Not Far Off
No matter what platform you prefer, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered packs some exciting new visuals. With the help of Criterion and the newcomers at Stellar Entertainment, the game will have sharper looking textures, a zippy frame rate (not quite 60 frames per second, but damn close) and some great tracks. Not to mention the cool little lighting effects that come from cop cars as they try to close in on you. (Note that we said try.) Those teams worked together before on the sweet Burnout Paradise Remastered, so we know we’re in for a hell of a ride.

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered will pull into the garage on November 6th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC; and a week later, on November 13th , for Nintendo Switch. Check out the trailer below and get ready to pursue your friends all the way through Christmas!

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